How To Change Your Name
Any individual is free to change either their forename or surname, add additional names, change the spelling of names or delete names.
There is no prescribed formality by which a name should be changed but there are a number of methods that can be used to evidence a change of name.
The most common method of formalising a change of name is enrolment at the Supreme Court. Although there is no legal requirement to register a deed poll evidencing a change of name, enrolling the deed poll at the Supreme Court will be incontrovertible proof of the execution of the deed.
In our experience, most institutions will accept a Change of Name Deed that has not been registered by deed poll and our fixed fee charge assumes that the Change of Name Deed will not be registered at the Supreme Court.

For those individuals who require or prefer the option of a registered Change of Name Deed then an additional cost of £36.00 will apply.
Our cost includes preparation of the Change of Name Deed and providing you with a reasonable number of certified copies of the document.
Anyone with parental responsibility for a minor has the power to change that minor’s name. If more than one person has parental responsibility the power must be exercised jointly. This means that usually the consent of both parents must be obtained before the Change of Name Deed on behalf of the child can be prepared.
What Does A Change Of Name Deed Cost?
We charge a fixed fee of £150.00 for preparation of a Change of Name Deed. An additional charge of £36.00 applied for registering the Change of Name Deed at the Supreme Court.
For initial legal advice about Change of Name Deeds, please schedule a free 30-minute consultation at a date and time convenient to you by using our online booking calendar.